Creative Coaching

For Artistic, Personal & Spiritual Growth

Performance Coaching

Support for a one time speech, audition prep, acting classes or long term artistic growth. With decades of work in theatre and as an acting teacher, Beth has created a holistic system to expand our performance ability in body, heart, mind and spirit.

Wise Woman Traditions

Heart is our unifying force. What is the truth that beats within each one of us? What is at the heart of our authentic selves?
Beth listens to the uniqueness of your own heart to support your gifts, abilities, dreams, desires and purpose.

Wise Woman Traditions for Women and Men:

Pathways for personal and spiritual growth, from the Wisdom Teachings of the Wise Woman Way, are available in private sessions (online or phone) or through Beth’s course Earth, Art & Heart.

The Ritual & the Reading:

A prayerful quest for guidance through the Wisdom Wheel and Deep Listening.

Beth’s heartfelt intention is to enhance your creative skills in your art and life and to support you in your journey toward your dreams and goals.

Let’s find the heart of you, beating in your own rhythm, firmly in the Center of your own Wheel of Life. Creative whispering and empowerment principles support you in bringing fulfillment into your life, your art, and becoming a creative agent for positive change.

For more info, contact