Through earth consciousness as a spiritual tool, Beth Bando created the philosophy of “Earth, Art & Heart.”
It is an integrated system that offers guidance and encouragement for personal, artistic & spiritual growth and the pursuit of clarity, direction, fulfillment and Becoming Whole.
The Earth, Art & Heart journey begins with the core principle of Earth Connection. We define this as a pathway of walking in harmony with Earth, Self and Other.
Earth: The Life Force Power in Earth Connection
In the 4th World of Separation & Control, we became separated from the Earth. In the reconnection exists a powerful stability and source of nourishment, both physical and spiritual.
Art: Experience the Magic of the Creative Spirit
Every idea comes to us from the space inhabited by Creative Spirit. We enter this Sacred Space, receive our ideas and then playfully walk a path of manifesting the ideas we were so generously given.
Heart: Ignite a Joyous and Divine Centeredness
In this juicy state of Wholeness, where all parts of us belong, I sense that the Heart emerges as the center of the Wheel. We seek and are becoming Heart Centered. ‘Wholly’ and ‘Holy’ are one.
The Circle
The Circle is the ultimate symbol of wholeness. All things belong. Nothing is better or best or higher or lower.
It is the symbol of movement and harmony and the Earth. When we use the Circle, we nourish our connection to Earth.
Beth was taught the concept of using the Circle, or Wisdom Wheel, through her teacher, Seneca Elder Grandmother Twylah Nitsch. She wholeheartedly followed the encouragement from Ms. Nitsch to explore its many uses to reveal truth and ignite transformation.
Through this symbol of Unity, our gifts are illuminated, direction is revealed and what was once fragmented can become whole again.